June 28, 2021

04 - Meaningful Tales of Triumph (Our Top 5 Wins)

04 - Meaningful Tales of Triumph (Our Top 5 Wins)

We are BACK with our most fun episode yet! This is where we discuss our Top 5 Husker Football Wins, but before we do that, we chat about what we did for Father's Day weekend, and then list our three Honorable Mentions. After that, we launch into our...

We are BACK with our most fun episode yet! This is where we discuss our Top 5 Husker Football Wins, but before we do that, we chat about what we did for Father's Day weekend, and then list our three Honorable Mentions. After that, we launch into our Top 5; two of which we both share at the top 2 spots, for very meaningful and personal reasons. Oh, and then there is a Bonus Honorable Mention from 2013. We wrap the show with a couple of fun facts and preview a future discussion about the imminent expansion of the College Football Playoff to 12 teams.

If you want to watch the games we listed in our honorable mentions and Top 5 lists, you can click on the YouTube links below.

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We hope you enjoyed the show, and would love to have you contact us with questions, comments, or suggestions. Use the links below to find us on social media, email us, or look us up on the web. Also keep in mind that our website may still be under construction. but you'll soon be able to stream the latest episode right in your browser, or download it from the library. You will also find subscribe links to all the major podcast platforms as well.

Web: http://genredpod.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Vwo_llDJumfT7WobythVQ
Facebook: http://facebook.com/genredpod
Email: genrpodcast@gmail.com

"New Marley" - Produced by Anywaywell

Ken’s Honorable mentions:
1992 Colorado: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrz_RyMWi7E&t=37s
2001 Oklahoma: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnuUJFjZcG8
2009 @ Missouri: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmtDG7WfS3s&t=37s

Scott’s Honorable mentions:
2015 #6 Michigan State 39 - 38: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgLHk2vUHKE&t=23s
2013 Northwestern 27 - 24: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sscqltlpI3Y&t=27s
2009 Arizona Holiday Bowl 33 - 0: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYRqY7u7PK8&t=64s

Ken's Top Five:
#5 - 2011 Ohio State: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6D_HyQKL6w&t=30s
#4 - 2010 Missouri: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRhB0TIrgj0&t=52s
#3 - 1997 Missouri: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9is9YR2NTD0&t=19s
#2 - 2014 Miami: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNiI2AFcjVg